Head, Jaw, and Mouth Pain
Severe Pain When Biting Food
· Possible Ailment: You or your child may have severe tooth decay, a loose filling or a cracked tooth. There may also be damage to the pulp tissue inside the tooth.
· Remedy: Schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. If the tooth is cracked, the dentist may possibly refer you to an endodontist. A root canal will probably be the solution in order to relieve the pain.
Lingering Pain after Eating Hot or Cold Foods
· Possible Ailment: The pulp inside the tooth has been damaged by tooth decay or trauma.
· Remedy: An endodontist will likely perform a root canal to save the tooth and relieve the pain.
Constant Pain and Pressure, Swelling of Gums and Sensitivity to Touch
· Possible Ailment: The tooth may have become abscessed, meaning there is puss in the tissue of the jawbone at the end of the infected tooth.
· Remedy: Schedule an appointment with an endodontist. In the meantime, take over-the-counter medications to alleviate the pain.
Ache and Pressure in Upper Teeth and Jaw
· Possible Ailment: This pain can be caused by a sinus headache or bruxism (teeth grinding).
· Remedy: If you have a sinus headache, take over-the-counter medications, including sinus medication. If you have bruxism, schedule an appointment with your dentist.
Chronic Pain in Head, Neck or Ear
· Possible Ailment: This could be caused by an infected tooth or other dental or medical problems.
· Remedy: Schedule an appointment with your dentist or endodontist.