Baby Teething: What You Need to Know

One of the most significant milestones for any parent is the baby's first tooth, but baby teething comes with challenges. Read on to learn how to handle teething and help your baby.
When Does Teething Start?
Teething in babies typically starts between 6 and 12 months. However, the process can start later or earlier in some babies. In some exceptional circumstances, some babies are born with a tooth or grow one within the first couple of weeks after birth.
How Do Baby Teeth Appear?
The first baby teeth to appear are the bottom incisors that typically appear at 5 to 7 months. They are followed by top incisors, which grow from about 6 to 8 months. Lateral incisors will then come before the baby turns one year old.
Your baby will grow molars between 12 and 16 months. The last teeth to appear are the canines that can come when the child is 20 months old. You can expect the child to have grown all milk teeth before three years.
What Are the Symptoms of Teething?
Teething can be quite painful in babies and toddlers, especially just before the teeth emanate from the gums. The pain level will depend on your child's gum density.
Multiple factors will determine how your baby reacts to teething. Regardless, your child is likely to express the following symptoms.
- Swollen gums. The baby's gums will start to swell, and you may feel some lump beneath the gums.
- Sucking, biting, and chewing. The onset of teething can lead to irritation in the gums and cause your child to start gnawing on toys and nearby objects.
- Drooling. Teething babies tend to produce excess saliva. The saliva may be due to frequent muscle movement that can boost salivary gland activity.
- Low-grade temperature. Teething can cause your baby's temperature to rise slightly, although fever is unlikely. Contact a healthcare professional immediately if the temperature increases to more than 101 degrees Fahrenheit.
How Do You Take Care of Baby Teeth?
Caring for milk teeth begins as soon as the first tooth appears. Proper care is necessary to ensure that the baby's teeth will last until adult teeth grow.
The first and most crucial step is to establish effective oral hygiene habits for your baby. This action will not only protect your child's milk teeth but can also ensure good dental health for the rest of their lifetime.
You should brush your child's teeth at least twice each day to introduce the child to a brushing routine. You can also brush the child's teeth after every meal or drink. Avoid fluoride toothpaste until your child is old enough to spit the toothpaste out.
Once your child turns two years old, teach them how to rinse their mouth after brushing instead of swallowing. Continue to help your child brush their teeth until the age of eight.
How Can You Soothe a Teething Baby?
Teething may cause discomfort for your child, and you need to help them feel better. A common strategy is to put cold items in the baby's mouth. The items can be a spoon, a clean washcloth, or a ring. Unsweetened crackers and teething toys may also come in handy.
Once the baby is six months old, cold water and gum massage may help soothe the child during teething. You can also encourage the child to gnaw your finger.
Take Care of Your Baby's Milk Teeth
Every parent looks forward to seeing their baby's first teeth. Nevertheless, the process can be difficult and may cause pain for the child. If you need extra help, visit Treasured Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for instant help. We are a dental clinic that focuses on pediatric dental health.
Contact us to help protect your baby's milk teeth.